HEI Health Effects Institute


The Health Effects Institute (HEI) 

HEI is an independent air quality and health research institute. It is the primary developer of the State of Global Air reports and resources, the host and manager for this website, the coordinator of input from all other members of the team, and the facilitator of contact with media partners. Key HEI contributors include Pallavi Pant, head of global initiatives; Ada Wright, research assistant; Hlina Kiros, research assistant; Victor Nthusi, consulting research fellow; Abinaya Sekar, consulting research fellow; Amy Andreini, science communications specialist; Hope Green, editorial project manager; Kristin Eckles, senior editorial manager; Alexis Vaskas, digital communications manager; Tom Champoux, director of science communications; Aaron Cohen, consulting scientist at HEI and affiliate professor of Global Health at IHME; Bob O’Keefe, vice president; and Elena Craft, president.




The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME)

IHME is an independent population health research center at the University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle. It provides the underlying air pollution and health data and other critical support for this project. Key IHME contributors include Michael Brauer, faculty; Katrin Burkart, faculty; Liz Marsh, research scientist; and Charlie Ashbaugh, project officer.

University of British Columbia

Professor Michael Brauer of the School of Population and Public Health at UBC serves as an expert adviser on this project. 

Zev Ross
Metropolis Creative
Charles River Web
Creative Science Writing

Other Contributors

ZevRoss Spatial Analytics provides data visualization support and develops the interactive features of the site; Metropolis Creative designed the website; Charles River Web maintains the website; Creative Science Writing provides writing support; Ray Rivera Design provides design support; and StoryMine produces videos.  

We would also like to thank the reviewers for their comments and feedback on various SoGA products.


The project is currently funded by the Clean Air Fund. Previous supporters of the initiative include Bloomberg Philanthropies and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.